Useful contacts:
Please let us know on if you find any of the following information to be incorrect or if there are any other organisations you think should be listed.
ExWell Medical
Dr. Noel McCaffrey would like to welcome you to ExWell Medical (exercise for wellness with medical oversight). The rationale behind ExWell Medical is that a large proportion of the disability and unwellness that comes with any long-term illness is caused by becoming deconditioned. ExWell Medical offers community-based supervised exercise classes, as well as home programmes to people with many different long-term illnesses.
Asthma Society of Ireland
The Asthma Society of Ireland’s mission is to stop asthma deaths in Ireland. We are the voice of the 380,000 people with asthma in Ireland, and our work radically transforms their quality of life. We fight asthma with every breath. Our vision is that everyone with asthma in Ireland lives a full life, symptom-free.
Phone: 01 -8178886
Irish Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.(IACP)
Our Association was established to develop and maintain professional standards of excellence in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Phone: 01 230 35 36
Citizens Information provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland. We gather information from various government departments and agencies, and make sure that you have all the information you need, presented in an easy-to-understand way.
The site has been specially designed around the needs of users for those times in life when you need information about your rights and how to apply for State services in Ireland
Phone: 0761074000
Ostomy Association of Ireland
is a nonprofit organisation that supports, people who have a stoma or internal pouch or who are about to have surgery. or phone Mark at 0877005966
Diabetes Ireland
Diabetes Ireland is the only national charity in Ireland dedicated to helping people with diabetes. We achieve this by providing support, education and motivation to everyone affected by diabetes. We also raise public awareness of diabetes and its symptoms and fund research into finding a cure for diabetes.
Our helpline is open Mon-Fri, 9am – 5pm.
Helpline: 01 842 8118
Headway act as a lifeline for people living with Acquired Brain Injury in Ireland. Brain injury can upend an individual and their family. It can often be a difficult, life-long road and not always obvious to others. We provide services to help people with their own goals for recovery. We want to help make the most of your potential, improve your quality of life and level of independence.
Contact Us
Freephone 1800 400 478
A helpful site covering a wide variety of personal experiences of health and illness. It includes interviews with people who have been through different illnesses. There is a section for intensive care patients and their relatives.
Website :
ACT for Meningitis
is a charity which aims to raise awareness and educate society about the signs and symptoms of meningitis while offering free support services
Phone: 091380058
The Irish Cancer Society
The Irish Cancer Society is the national charity in the Republic of Ireland dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem, and improving the lives of those who have cancer.
Phone: 01 231 0500
The Irish Heart Foundation
The Irish Heart Foundation is a charity founded in 1966 based in Dublin. It runs support groups for patients who have had heart problems or strokes and campaigns on public health issues which affect the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Telephone: +353 1 6685001